Thursday, August 8, 2013

One Thing At A Time

As overworked and over-stressed as I am right now, I have to keep reminding myself "one thing at a time".  It feels like I haven't really crossed any projects off my list in ages.  I am still packing up the 2014 calendar Kickstarter between phases of other projects and incoming orders.  I am finishing the oracle deck components this week since the campaign for that ends this weekend (already?!?).  I still have several paintings left to finish for DragonCon.

Today I have 47 prints left to mat, sign, package, and label for DragonCon.  Luckily we have machine-cut mats delivered now and I no longer cut the majority of our mats myself.  I also have several dozen e-mails to respond to, art shows to contact, orders to pack, and a watercolor painting taped to the table and practically screaming at me to get to work.  Two are finished, looking on, wondering when they will be scanned and shared with the world.

Ah well, might as well go cross those 47 prints off my list!

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